We invite you to review our 2050+ Strategic Plan
In 2022, Council adopted a long-term strategic plan, Our Holdfast 2050+. This plan sets out the focus areas to guide the City of Holdfast Bay’s future decision-making and investment, maintain quality of life, and meet the future needs of our community and environment.
The plan recognises three focus areas to achieve this vision:
Although the plan has only been in place since 2022, State legislation requires councils to review the strategic plan within two years of a general election.
While we think the plan is still relevant, we now seek your thoughts as part of the review to ensure it reflects our shared mid-term and long-term aspirations.
We invite you to review the Strategic Plan and share your thoughts on our vision, objectives, and aspirations for our city's future.
This engagement has now closed. Read the Strategic plan below.
What we asked you
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
From mid-September to early October, we asked you to review our 2050+ Strategic Plan. We asked
- Your thoughts on the long term vision of Protecting our heritage and beautiful coast while creating a welcoming and healthy place for all in South Australia’s most sustainable city.
- From the current objectives and aspirations, what should Council prioritise for the next 10 years in each focus area?
- Do you have any comments about hopes, concerns or challenges in your neighbourhood for the next 10 years?
What we heard
We heard from nine members of the community.
Three submissions were replications that challenged to the ‘ideological position’ of Council in regards to:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and the Welcome to Country
- Responses to Climate Change
- Opposition to reducing car usage and increasing focus on active transport (walking and cycling).
Feedback from six submissions endorsed the strategic vision, objective and measures, in particular on issues such as:
- community hubs and pursuing wellbeing;
- sustainability measures.
Other themes included:
- active and safe transport infrastructure;
- heritage protection;
- community infrastructure that is fit for purpose;
- investment in libraries and
- higher targets for tree canopy coverage and greening.
Next steps
The community feedback has helped to shape the revised 2020-30 objectives and measures by:
- having more apparent objectives written with a community lens;
- inclusion of objectives in waste, heritage, development, libraries, community centres and biodiversity.
Based on the feedback from the community, it is recommended that an updated Our Holdfast 2050+ be developed to include these changes:
- A simple explanation should be included of how Our Holdfast 2050+ fits within the overall planning framework.
- Descriptors of the various elements of Our Holdfast 2050+ should be included.
- A diagram showing how the three focus areas interrelate be included.
- Waste, health and wellbeing, heritage and development should be included in the 2020–2030 Objectives and Measures.
- The 2020–2030 Objectives and Measures be updated.
- Identify the role(s) of the council for each 2020-30 Objective and Measure. These roles are described as leading, building, managing, advocating, educating, providing services, regulating, collaborating, and coordinating.
To learn more, please view the Council report here 2024-11-12-Council-Agenda-and-Reports. The Strategic Plan Review report starts on page 44.
As a result of this review, at its meeting of 28 January 2025 Council adopted a revised version of Our Holdfast 2050+ which can be found here 2712-CoHB-Strategic-Plan_FA_DIGITAL.pdf.