
We are currently developing an Economic Development Strategy 2023-2030 containing strategic directions and actions. The intent of the Economic Development Strategy (EDS) is to deliver on the economic outcomes associated with wellbeing, sustainability, and innovation.

The Economic Development Strategy will deliver a vision for economic development by creating a plan for the next eight-year period, with actions reviewed every four years, as a framework for Council to work with, and on behalf of the business community.

The framework for long-term economic opportunities will include:

  • Build sustainable economic prosperity
  • Create a thriving business environment
  • Offer employment choice
  • Support and grow a vibrant community
  • Provide an attractive location for visitors


    There is currently an Economic Activation Plan 2018-2023 that assumes the role of facilitator and enabler of growth focusing on business capacity and capability and encouraging innovation and investment.
    In May 2023 a council workshop was held to discuss the community vision of the aforementioned strategies, to inform the eight-year economic development strategy.
    This Business Confidence Survey will provide further insights to inform a strategy and including what you think the Council's role could be.
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    Business Confidence Survey 2023

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    These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

    Virginia Miller

    Business Development Partner

    Caroline Chapman

    Strategic Planner

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