
Update - Site compound changes from 12 August

10 August 2021

The redevelopment of Chapel Plaza and Hindmarsh Lane is progressing well, and work will soon begin on small sections of Jetty Road.

From 12 August until late September, the site compounds will expand onto small areas of Jetty Road.

Pedestrians will continue to have unobstructed pathways along both sides of Jetty
Road, and additional signage will be placed on each compound to assist with directing pedestrians.

There will be no obstructions to vehicle traffic on Jetty Road. However, cyclists will be required to dismount if they use the footpath or redirected along Waterloo Street, around the front of the church, and onto Nile Street before continuing along Jetty Road.

The scheduled work is subject to weather conditions, but it is intended that these new small site compounds on Jetty Road will be completed by late September.