
Update on Detailed Designs

14 August 2019

Since delivery of the updated concepts in March 2019, work has continued on the designs for the streetscape upgrades at Chapel Street and Hindmarsh Lane Glenelg. The designs have now reached a detailed stage (70% design stage) and include input from engineering investigations and feedback received from Council, local traders and landowners and other stakeholders. The updated designs can be viewed here.

There are no fundamental changes to the design since the concepts stage, however the notable changes include removal of the stage shelter, withdrawal of new church steps, alteration of the pergola in Chapel Street, removal of a verandah structure in Hindmarsh Lane and changes to the toilet configuration. Further work has also been undertaken to provide seating layout and design, consideration of safety, lighting and street infrastructure selections.

Further feedback is currently being sought from agencies and key stakeholders before the designs are finalised in October 2019.