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2. I am a: Required
3. Please tick your age group: Required
4. Zones Required

What Zone is most important to you?

5. Vision Required

To what extent do you support the overall objectives and vision of the plan (draft Masterplan)?

6. Tram Required

To what extent do you support the relocation of the Moseley Square tram-stop to Colley Terrace in the plan?

7. Streetscape Required

To what extent do you support removing some on-street car parking, in order to achieve increased tree planting, greater outdoor dining opportunities, wider footpaths and greater pedestrian safety in:

Jetty Road Zoning Diagram
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The Coast Zone
The Core Zone
The Gateway Zone
8. Road Safety Required

To what extent do you support a 30km/h corridor for Jetty Road, in order to provide greater safety for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles as shown in the draft Masterplan?

9. Carparking Required

To what extent do you support the plan’s objective of providing for short term (30 mins) and accessible/disabled on-street parking on Jetty Road within:

Jetty Road Zoning Diagram
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The Coast Zone
The Core Zone
The Gateway Zone
10. Carparking Required

Jetty Road currently has numerous off-street car parks. Which of the following would encourage you to better use off-street parking? (tick all that apply)

11. Tram Stop Required

To what extent do you support the new design for tram stop 16 to reduce the risk to cyclists riding between the platform and the tram rails shown in the plan (pages 88-91)?