
Concept plans released soon - May 2024

31 May 2024

Concept plans for each stage of the Transforming Jetty Road Glenelg project will be released in the coming months for the community to view.

Feedback will also be sought from the community on the concept plans for the Coast and Transition Zones, which includes the Partridge/Gordon streets intersection to the Moseley Street junction with Jetty Road, Colley Terrace and the fringes of Moseley Square.

Those plans will be made available for community consultation in late 2024 and will also include consultation on any significant traffic changes contained within those designs.

Construction within the Coast is scheduled to start in 2026, followed by the Transition zone in 2027.

Renewal works in the City zone, which runs from Brighton Road to the Partridge/Gordon Streets intersection, are due to begin in spring this year.

As there will be no change to the function or layout of the street, the design plans will be made public in August/September 2024 to keep the community informed about the planned upgrades and to work with traders to minimise disruptions to their businesses.

Plans for the City zone include:

  • A new entry statement at the Brighton Road corner to create a sense of arrival
  • Installation of new continuous paved footpaths
  • Enhanced pedestrian safety with Disability Discrimination Act compliant and improved pedestrian areas
  • Improved stormwater to reduce ponding on the footpaths, parking bays and the road
  • Increased greenery and use of water-sensitive urban design elements to reduce urban heat
  • Beautifying the existing street amenities and retaining its current function

The project timelines are dependent on a final decision by Council to fund the project as per the Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25.