
Community Engagement Results - December 2017

27 March 2018

Engagement Undertaken

The project has undergone significant engagement over three phases throughout 2017. The types of engagement activities undertaken include community days (at Sidewalk Sunday Chapel Street, Winter wonderland in Moseley square), drop-in sessions and pop-up shop at 71 jetty Road Glenelg, business information sessions, workshops meetings, online forums, surveys and more. Three formal engagement phases throughout the year allowed the collection of more specific feedback as the project progressed, as follows:

Phase 1 - Initial Visioning and Seeking Ideas - 19 March - 31 May 2017

Phase 2 - Feedback on Draft Concepts - 13 July - 14 August 2017

Phase 3 - Feedback on the Draft Masterplan - 10 October - 13 November 2017

Engagement Results

The comments provided by visiting the project team at drop-in sessions, forums, meetings and online were collated and reviewed to inform final changes to the Masterplan.

You may read the three Engagement and Consultation Summary Reports and all other project documents under related documents.