
Work is underway

25 May 2020

The plan for the upgrades to the Stewart Reserve has been finished and can be found here. We will be putting in more than 1,110 plants, a new bench and a habitat log.

The work will progress as follows:

  • Work begins on Tuesday 26 May, with contractors spraying some of the turf to create the new garden beds. ü
  • After this a habitat log will be installed and three shrubs will be removed from the north-eastern corner.
  • Next mulch will be spread over the new beds.
  • The planting will occur once the mulch is spread.
  • Finally, after the plants are all in then the new bench will be installed.

The process will take a few weeks due to the need to leave time in between some of these actions.

We will attempt to reduce any impact this will have on your use of the reserve but for safety reasons we may occasionally need to block off access to the reserve for short periods of time.