
Sturt River Greening Project Update

28 February 2024

In December 2023 Council sought the community's feedback on the final stage of the Sturt River Greening Project at the reserve on Shannon Avenue, Glenelg North. We wanted to know which native garden bed design was preferred, out of the two design options, and why.

We engaged by holding a drop-in session at the reserve on Shannon Avenue, Glenelg North, online and hard copy surveys, and online Q&A options.

Thirteen surveys were completed with three additional questions asked online. Approximately twenty people attended the drop-in session. Of the thirteen respondents:

  • 46% of the community preferred Design A (two garden beds)
  • 54% of the community preferred Design B (one wider garden bed)

Council asked survey respondents to comment on why they preferred Design B, the results are as follows:

  • Seen as requiring less maintenance compared to Design A.
  • Appreciation for the layout, with one garden at the front, creating a better overall look.
  • Provision of a decent-sized garden area suitable for wildlife habitation.
  • Noted that wildlife would benefit more from the denser gardening option in Design B compared to the narrower option in Design A.
  • Described as having a wider garden bed, deemed visually pleasing and contributing to an enhanced ambience.

The results of the engagement were collated by Strategic Matters, and the report was received by Council on 21 December 2023. Click here to read this report.

Work will begin in the reserve on Shannon Avenue in late May, with a Community Planting Day to be held in mid-July 2024. Please follow the Sturt River Greening Project on YourHoldfast for ongoing updates.

Thank you for your interest and participation in this project.