
Sturt River Greening Project - Shannon Avenue Engagement Results

22 February 2024

In November 2023 Council sought the community's feedback on the final stage of the Sturt River Greening Project. We wanted to understand communities' preference for two different native garden design options.

We engaged by holding a drop-in session at the site and online and hard copy surveys. Approximately 20 people attended the drop-in session, with 13 surveys completed and an additional 3 questions asked and answered on YourHoldfast. Results were as follows:

46% of respondents preferred Design A (two garden beds)

54% of respondents preferred Design B (one wider garden bed)

The council report and findings were received by Council on 20 December 2023. Please see the full report in attachments on the project page.

Thank you for your participation in this exciting project. The next stage of this project will be the installation of TreeNet inlets and construction of garden bed Design B.

You are invited to attend a community planting day in July, please follow the project page for ongoing updates.