
Construction Underway!

2 December 2024

You may have noticed the commencement of works on Whyte Street. There has been a flurry of activity on the site, and we thank you for your patience while this is ongoing. This project has seen a number of milestones completed already.

Works to date include:

  • Two headwalls have been placed on the beach, and rock revetment works are slowly continuing to build back the seawall. The rocks are so large that only a few can fit into a truck at a time, so this will be ongoing throughout the project.
  • The existing stormwater outfall pipe has been extended and connected to the new headwall (previously sitting open within the rocks). See photo below.
  • Trenching is underway for the new pipe, with shoring boxes installed under and across the Esplanade.
  • Dewatering equipment was installed and switched on to enable excavation for a new GPT (gross pollutant trap). The pumps were active full-time for approximately one week during the installation period. Please see the photo below.
  • Excavation commenced for GPT, with installation planned Friday 6 December 2024

Our contractor is working towards completing the majority of works in the vicinity of the Esplanade so that the road and Cost Park path will be open for the community to enjoy during the Christmas break.