
Paringa Park - Community Engagement Findings and Next Steps

16 May 2023

On 30 March we invited the community to share their view on their preferred play space options for Paringa Park via an online submission, in writing via post, email, or by phone or by attending the on-site drop-in session to discuss the designs and plans with Council staff.

What We Heard

The project page was 731 times and 28 people provided feedback via the online engagement survey. 16 people attended the drop-in session. in addition, six questions were asked in the question and answer section of the online project page.

Overall, the project received a positive response, and comments received were relating to a wide range of design elements of the project.

The analysis of the results and feedback showed Option 2 was the clear preference favored by the City of Holdfast Bay community.

The results of this engagement also demonstrated strong support for the project.

Next Steps

Site works at Paringa Park Reserve will commence in late August 2023 with expected completion by the end of September 2023.

The project team will advise Proludic on the design option selected by the community and enable them to order this equipment in readiness for installation.