Project Overview

The City of Holdfast Bay is investigating modifications to on-street parking arrangements on King Street and Alfreda Street, Brighton, between the Esplanade and The Crescent.

This investigation is in response to reports of access, particularly for emergency vehicles becoming obstructed by on-street parking. These streets have a history of access and parking concerns which this review is approaching in a consistent manner.

The objectives of the review and the proposed treatment concepts are to:
  • ensure through-access is maintained, particularly for emergency services
  • preserve as much on-street parking capacity as practical
  • provide a solution that is fair to residents on both sides of the streets

Three treatment concepts are provided through the consultation for residents to select their preferred option and provide feedback.

The City of Holdfast Bay is committed to consulting with residents and key stakeholders to ensure all perspectives are considered as part of this investigation.

This engagement closed 5pm 30 May 2024. Please see the results below

What we asked you

A range of communication methods were undertaken to inform and involve the community, including:

  • 128 letters were sent to residents of King Street and Alfreda Street.
  • A news article on the Council website.
  • A feature article and project page on Council's online engagement platform YourHoldfast.

Three concepts were prepared to provide vehicle access for waste or emergency service vehicle and regulate parking and traffic flow via staggered parking controls (yellow lines). Residents were asked to select their preferred option:

Concept 1: Maximised parking opportunities – Preserve the maximum number of on-street parking opportunities, within the Australian Road Rules.

Concept 2: Access focused – Improve access to properties by restricting parking in proximity to driveways.

Concept 3: Hybrid approach – Balance access concerns with preserving parking opportunities, with a focus on keeping intersection sight lines clear.

Who are heard from

What we heard

Thank you for your feedback.

Residents who responded (either in writing or face-to-face interactions) understood the need to maintain access through these streets, particularly for emergency vehicles.

There was a range of needs and desires for parking and property access, and the priority for each.

Overall responses for the two streets showed a split between Concept 2 and Concept 3.

When responses were broken into each street, there was a more obvious majority on each street for a particular option:

Alfreda Street
  • Concept 1 – 3 households
  • Concept 2 – 2 households
  • Concept 3 – 5 households
King Street
  • Concept 1 – 5 households
  • Concept 2 – 10 houlseholds
  • Concept 3 – 6 households

Next Steps

After reviewing the feedback, it was decided to develop a treatment plan that incorporates Concept 3 for Alfreda Street and Concept 2 for King Street, with adjustments made to allow for improved pedestrian access at the intersection of King Street and King George Avenue. You can view the treatment plan on the button below.

Notification letters will be provided to residents providing information regarding this approach.

The city’s traffic team will commence engaging and scheduling a contractor to implement these schemes in the coming weeks.