
Jimmy Melrose pathway renewal reaches practical completion

15 November 2024

Today marked a successful milestone in the project as we achieved practical completion of major works along the Jimmy Melrose Pathway.

We inspected the pathway with our contractor and recorded observable defects. These defects (mostly touch-ups) are being scheduled for rectification in the coming days. These touch-ups will have minimal impact on cyclists and pedestrians, with traffic management in place as needed.

The site is being demobilised, including removing fencing, signage, bollards, machinery, and other equipment, followed by a general cleanup.

Regular maintenance services—such as waste collection, sweeping, tree pruning, irrigation, and lawn mowing—will resume from next week. In addition, minor works, like installing traffic signage, will follow shortly, with line marking scheduled for January 2025 due to contractor availability.

The pathway and all beach access points are now open for public use.

This project reflects our commitment to creating safe, accessible, and enjoyable public spaces for our community. We invite you to take a walk, run, or ride along the renewed path and welcome any feedback on your experience – let us know if there’s anything you love or think could be improved. Your input helps us continuously enhance our projects and plan for future improvements.

Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and engagement as we bring this important project to its final stages.

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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name City of Holdfast Bay
Phone 82299999