
Damages and Defects Rectification - 15th and 16th January

14 January 2025

Following the resealing of the Jimmy Melrose Pathway in November 2024, we observed damages caused to the asphalt surface by a private contractor undertaking building works at 8 St Johns Row, Glenelg, SA 5045. The private contractor's use of a large crane and utility vehicles contributed to the damage. Additionally, there are a few other minor areas along the pathway requiring attention and rework.

We have engaged our project contractor, Kent Civil Pty Ltd, to rectify all known damages and defects. The repair works will commence tomorrow, Wednesday, 15 January, and are expected to be completed by Thursday, 16 January.

During these two days:

  • A portion of the eastern segment of the pathway in front of 8 St Johns Row will be closed to pedestrian and bike traffic.
  • Other small segments of the pathway will be closed progressively as the reseal crew addresses the defects.

Traffic controllers will be on-site to manage safety and will direct cyclists to dismount and walk their bikes along a short section of the western segment of the pathway while works are underway.

We acknowledge that this interim arrangement may inconvenience pathway users, and we appreciate their patience and understanding. Our contractor will work to minimise disruptions as much as possible.

If you receive or have any concerns or enquiries during these works, please feel free to email us at

Thank you for your cooperation.