Project Overview

The Jimmy Melrose pathway along the Glenelg Foreshore needs to be renewed to enhance safety and functionality for the many pedestrians and cyclists who use it daily. This project addresses several critical issues due to wear and environmental factors.

First, the aged condition of the asphalt surface is a primary concern. Years of exposure to the elements have caused the surface to deteriorate, leading to cracks and uneven sections that pose safety risks to users. Beneath the surface, voids have developed in the pavement structure, weakening its integrity and exacerbating the potential for further damage.

Another issue is the impact of tree roots, which have lifted sections of the concrete kerbs along the pathway. This creates tripping hazards and disrupts the flow of water, contributing to water pooling in certain areas. These pools of water can lead to slippery surfaces, further increasing the risk of accidents.

In addition to these structural concerns, the project will address line-marking deficiencies. Clear and visible line markings are essential for guiding pedestrians and cyclists, helping to manage traffic flow and reducing the potential for collisions.

This renewal project aims to address these issues to create a safer, more reliable, and more aesthetically pleasing pathway. This will ensure that the Jimmy Melrose pathway continues to serve the community for years, supporting both recreation and active transportation in the area.