
Stage 3 & 4 - Irrigation Bore Water Supply

28 February 2023

In preparation for the larger civil works projects within the north-east corner of the oval precinct to get underway in September 2023, several smaller projects will be initiated to allow the larger works to proceed including the upgrade and relocation of the Glenelg Oval irrigation bore water supply system. The initial borewell, pump and electrical system installation will start in approximately March and final connection to the irrigation system will occur in September 2023.

The borewell will be relocated 20 metres east of the current location with a sub-surface pump and infrastructure being installed. Part of the upgrade will also include power supply and irrigation control system upgrade.

The irrigation bore water supply re-location will allow for maximising the existing 'aged' bore and pump house location footprint for expanding the cricket practice pitches and upgraded toilets/curators facility infrastructure. The upgraded bore and pump will also allow for many years of maintenance-free service to irrigate the oval and surrounds.

Borewell Drilling - click for image