Project Overview

The northern section of the Edith Butler Pier Boardwalk adjacent to the Marina East apartment complex, Glenelg is being planned for renewal in 2024. The renewal will include both the structural components and the decking.

The boardwalk is being designed to meet current standards and load requirements. Council is currently investigating materials with extended useful lives and visual compatibility with the surrounding environment.

A selection of Fibreglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials are currently being trialled allowing us to gather valuable feedback. As part of the renewal process, decking samples have been placed on site to test the performance and suitability of the FRP material within the environment.

While the selection of decking materials and the overall scope of the boardwalk renewal are yet to be finalised in the design, stay tuned for further updates on the design process, as we continue to plan for an improved Edith Butler Pier Boardwalk.

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