Bowker Oval Playspace is now open

Bowker Oval is a popular reserve for local residents, sporting and community clubs, and Paringa Park Primary School families. The existing play equipment has now reached the end of its asset life and it is time to reinvigorate this space with new play equipment and landscaping that will create a space for families to enjoy for years to come. The new playspace will sit within the existing playground footprint.


This engagement closed on 8 February 2022. During the engagement period, 66 community members completed the survey selecting their preferred concept design for the new Bowker Oval Playspace. Of the 66 respondents, 29 (44%) selected Option 1 and 37 (56%) selected Option 2. These results show a preference from our community for us to progress with concept design Option 2 for the new Bowker Oval Playspace.

The new playspace is now open


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Ross at Holdfast

Project Manager Public Realm & Urban Design

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