
February 2020

13 February 2020

Thank you for the feedback you provided during phase one of community engagement regarding the revitalisation of the old Buffalo site.

Feedback received from the community throughout the engagement period has shown a high level of community interest for the old Buffalo site to be reinvigorated into a space for:

  • Eating and drinking with inclusion of café or restaurant.
  • Recreation and leisure activities including water access or a natural open space.
  • Landscaping/vegetation, natural shade, seating and BBQs.

Respondents would like to see this space repurposed for the benefit of children and young families, adults and visitors to the area.

Proposed Next steps:

  • Grant application to Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) for match funding for the development of detailed designs and costings.
  • Appointment of contractor to prepare concept designs based on community findings from phase one of community engagement.
  • Community engagement phase two including on-site drop in sessions.
  • Refinement of concepts based on feedback received during phase 2 engagement.
  • Council Report with engagement findings from phase two of community engagement requesting endorsement to proceed with detailed designs of preferred option.
  • Development of detailed designs and costings.
  • DPTI Places for People funding application for development of the site based on final option.
  • 2021/2022 supply and install of new community space, dependent on funding.